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What if I can’t pay my water, gas, electricity, phone, or Internet bill due to the outbreak?

Last Updated: 02/07/2023

The utility shutoff grace period ended on March 15, 2022 for all water, electric, and sewer customers.

The grace period for residential cable and internet for customers with school-aged children ended on December 31, 2021.

If you need help paying your utility bills or your arrears, visit the Board of Public Utilities' Assistance Programs page. With expanded income eligibility for some programs, more New Jerseyans are now eligible for utility assistance.

For additional help, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has a variety of programs that can help with energy bills, water and sewer bills, rent costs, eviction prevention, and more. For more information about which programs you may be eligible for, use DCA's screening tool.

New Jerseyans having trouble paying their water or sewer bills are particularly encouraged to apply for the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). Households must have total gross monthly incomes at or below 60% of the State median monthly income of $6,662 (based on a family of four) to qualify for assistance. Applicants' names must match the names on their water or sewer bills.

Winter Termination Program

If you are having trouble paying your electric, sewer, or water bills during the winter, you may be eligible to avoid disconnection through the Winter Termination Program.

The program protects specific categories of customers from having their gas or electric shut off between November 15 and March 15 of each year. Those enrolled in certain other programs (including Supplemental Security Income, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, USF, and Lifeline) are protected by the Winter Termination Program.

An additional "catch-all" category is also included for those who are unable to pay their utility bills because of circumstances beyond their control, such as unemployment or illness.

For more information about the Winter Termination Program, call 800-624-0241.

Source: Executive Order No. 229; Executive Order No. 246;;